Thursday, July 24, 2014

What a busy two days!

What a busy two days we have had.  The internet would work for about 10 minutes and then it would be done for the day.  It must know that we all wanted to connect with family and friends.  But we trusted that God would take good care of all you! 

Speaking of trust, that has been our Bible theme the past couple days.  Tuesday we heard the story of Noah who followed God's directions even though people laughed at and mocked him.  Being a Christian and obeying God is seldom the easy option in our lives.  The world laughs at us sometimes, just as they laughed at Noah all those years ago.  But as we read in John 14:15 "If you love me you will obey my commands."  We don't need to worry about what the world thinks as long as our trust is in God.  What an awesome gift!

Wednesday we learned about Joseph's bad day that turned into a bad couple of years. Yikes!  We were reminded that even though we have bad days, and sometimes it seems like nothing goes right, GOD IS IN CONTROL!  "For those who love God all things work together for good." ~ Romans 8:28

As we study American Pop Culture, the kids are really enjoying the opportunity to make movies.  It has been such a joy to watch them get excited about making a script, crafting costumes and producing a short film, complete with movie trailer and special effects.  My, what imaginations they have!  We have all kinds of movies in the works....thrillers, comedies, mysteries and romance - OH MY!  Sometimes it's hard to tell who is enjoying themselves more, the campers or us. 

The Pop Culture fun continues in the art room where the project has been tye-dye.  By the end of the week, each camper will have their very own, bright, wacky t-shirt.  And Lisa, Carleen and Jessica will have brightly colored fingers from all the dye! 

Please continue to keep us in your prayers.  Your support is an important part of our mission here, and a huge blessing.  Sending love and hugs across the miles! 

Written by Katie





1 comment:

  1. Hi, Katie. Good to hear from you! Sounds like a fantastic witness to the kids. In our prayers each day!
