Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Wednesday, July 31st Walk Day!!

Today was overflowing day of beauty, exhaustion, excitement, and sadness.  We began our day hike through the mountains.  Climbing the 220 steps ... well I think 220, the person's counting kept getting interrupted by others ... to the observation tower offers a panoramic view of the mountains and surrounding communities.  The hike down the mountain offered many opportunities to slips and fall; thankfully without injury.  The trek downward also provided the opportunity for rock collection.  Collect a rock and sneak it into someone else's bag.

Later this evening we gathered around the campfire for the traditional kielbasa sausage and chocolate-marshmallow covered faces and fingers.  Its a treat that is loved by both campers and staff.

Our next one a step in the goodbye journey.  We sang and danced some of the favorite songs and then enjoyed a video presentation prepared by Lisa of the whole camp experience.  Before we were finished the tears were flowing as everyone anticipates tomorrow's departure and the close of Jawornik English Camp.  Tomorrow holds an ever more emotional day as we pack the bus and head on our way.  God blessings to all the campers and counselors.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Tuesday, July 30th

Pastor James started us out with a teary devotion on laying our burdens down at the cross.  He had Chelsea carry a heavy bag of stones, then he carried her, because Jesus will carry us in our strife.  Then we played, Mark Schultz's song, "He will Carry Me."

Then our chapel story was on Jesus washing the disciples feet.  So some of us washed their students feet.  I included pictures of this.  

Our lessons were about tasting food.  This has been a custom for a few years.  The counselors look forwards to it just as much as we do!!  They really liked the Pop Rocks that Jessica bought.

Things are starting to winding down here.  We have put some of the sports equipment away, craft stuff, and then cleaned our classrooms out.  This made me so sad.  As I know I will never see some of the students that I have grown so close to again.  Playing ball with Mary, seeing Ada, and being with the Polish counselors at night playing cards.  But then I remember that they are children of God and we will meet in heaven again.

As I reflect on this experience, I feel I have become closer to God in the last two weeks than I have for the last year.  God's presence and love are so abundant here.  The children sing praises to God and show his love in so many ways.  I love going down the hallway after lunch and hearing the children singing the songs out loud in their rooms.  It is one of the many reasons I like about living on the same floor as all the children. They always talk and either give me a hard time, Go Big Red, or give me a hug.

Last night I had a wonderful talk with a Polish counselor.  I have known her for 5 years.  Today another former Polish counselor came back to see us!  These connections are forever!!  Did I mention that a former camper is coming as an exchange student to Michigan.  I will be going to see him play soccer this year.

 Talking about how they felt!
 Lisa washing Ala's feet

 James washing the students feet

 my class!!!

 ice cream time!!


 Family Fued